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Oferecemos soluções internacionais a empresas que tenham o intuito de expandir seus negócios ao mercado global e agregar valor a seus produtos.

Podem ser empresas que desejam dar os primeiros passos na exportação ou que já possuem um departamento de comércio exterior e queiram agregar experiência e assessoria na área de exportação para um maior crescimento.


O pilar está no "Diagnóstico e Mapeamento", “Internacionalização dos Negócios" e "Vendas Internacionais".

Planejamento Estrategico - DNA Export Tr
Strategic Planning


Export should be treated as an integral part of the company's strategic planning, as it adds a lot to financial balance, in the way the brand is seen in the domestic market and in increasing the quality of the product (adaptation to more demanding markets), among other benefits.

Market Intelligence


There are several factors to be studied in the scope of international business, among them, the culture of targeted countries, socioeconomic situation, potential customers and competitors. Everything must be understood and studied for a better business effectiveness.

InteligenciadeMercado - DNA Export Trade
Vendas Internacionais - DNA Export Trade
International Sales


International sales professional who has knowledge of languages ​​(including English and Spanish), with the ability to understand the business environment to present or sell the client's brand and products.

Prospecting New Customers


An elaborate study of potential customers to be approached for future sales in the designated key countries. Prospecting is focused on importers, distributors and / or final customers of our customers' product.

Prospeccao de novos clientes - DNA Expor
Fortalecimento da marca - DNA Export Tra
Brand Strengthening


An exporting company is always well regarded in the eyes of the domestic consumers and foreign companies. When exporting, it needs to adapt to more a competitive market and with a higher quality requirement.

Export Management


Support to the foreign trade area, in adapting to the international market, be it in the preparation of documents, adaptation of catalogs and packaging for other languages. Direct sales with international customers, visits to customers and fairs of interest.

Assessoria em Exportacao - DNA Export Tr
Servicos complementares - DNA Export Tra
Our services

   Diagnosis and Mapping

  • Understanding of the business and prior analysis of export possibilities.


   Prospecting for New Customers

  • Export advice and consultancy.

  • Market intelligence​.


   International Sales

  • Definition of targeted markets.

  • International sales & after sales - CRM - Customer Relationship Management.

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